Johnson and Johnson Vision Care (2025)

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JJVC POLICY RETURNS history our credo

Product registration information will not be combined with information that we may collect elsewhere at this site and will only be used for the purposes we specify here. Optional information that you provide may be combined with information that we collect elsewhere at this site. You agree that the optional information you submit will be governed by our site'sprivacy policy. By clicking on the 'SUBMIT' button, you consent to the information being transferred to other countries that may not have equivalent laws to protect such information, including countries outside of the European Union/European Economic Area.


The Johnson & Johnson Vision Care customer policy is designed to promote patient health through the responsible and safe distribution of its contact lenses. Please see the terms and conditions of use below which have been formulated to help meet this objective.

ACUVUE®products will only be sold under the supervision of a registered optometrist, ophthalmologist or an optician based on a valid prescription, in compliance with all UK laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the Opticians Act 1989 and statutory instruments made under that act.

Terms and conditions

  • Qualified professionals and retailers should purchase only from authorised UK suppliers and shall have no right to appoint or sell to any distributor or dealer for any products.
  • Qualified professionals and retailers shall not sell or trans ship any product outside Europe or to parties who may supply products outside Europe.
  • Qualified professionals and retailers must use Johnson & Johnson Vision Care trademarks and brands in a manner consistent with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care policies.
  • Qualified professionals and retailers shall not make false or misleading statements about Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, its business practices or any of its products.
  • Qualified professionals and retailers must comply with all label licenses or use restrictions on which Johnson & Johnson Vision Care may condition the purchase or receipt of any products.
  • Qualified professionals and retailers with direct accounts must keep their account balances with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care in good standing.
  • Johnson & Johnson Vision Care reserves the right to commission annual audits of qualified professionals and retailers to assess compliance with legal obligations, diagnostic lens policy and any territorial restrictions.

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care reserves the right to terminate a qualified professional or retail account that violates this policy. Termination does not release or forgive the account from the obligation to pay any sum owed to Johnson & Johnson Vision Care.

Diagnostic lens policy

Diagnostic lenses are only intended for trial fitting of appropriate candidates, or for the occasional replacement of torn or lost lenses.

Eye Care Professionals may not:

  • Sell diagnostic lenses
  • Substitute diagnostic lenses for revenue lenses
  • Give diagnostic lenses away at no charge as product promotions for replacement contact lens sales.


ACUVUE®lens orders can be placed online, by telephone via our free phone number, or by fax. Full delivery information is available and our customer care department is on hand to answer any product related questions you may have.

Telephone orders

Customer services free phone number: 0800 022 4222(UK) or 1800 812 100 (Ireland)

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5.30pm, Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturday 9am – 2pm

Fax orders

Customer services fax: 01932 733 544(UK) or 01890 924 135 (Ireland)

Internet orders

If you choose, you can use ourcustomer serviceweb page to place your orders. Please refer to our web page, further information.


Wenn nicht anders vereinbart, ist der Preis für die Waren, die Johnson & Johnson Vision Care an den Kunden liefert, der Preis, der auf der zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung gültigen Preisliste steht, die von Johnson & Johnson Vision Care veröffentlich worden ist. Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer und anderer Steuern oder Abgaben.

Das Unternehmen behält sich das Recht vor, seine Preise und/oder seine Bedingungen jederzeit zu verändern; der Kunde muss über eine Änderung mindestens dreißig (30) Tage vor ihrem Inkrafttreten schriftlich informiert werden.

Customer services

If you have questions regarding product quality, as well as medical and technical inquiries, please contact our customer care department on: 0800 328 9541(UK) or 1800 936 235 (Ireland).

For any billing inquiries please contact the financial services team on 020 7365 0637(UK) or 0124 21040 (Ireland).

Please note, for training and service level improvement to our customers, calls to and from customer services may be monitored.


All orders will be consolidated every day with a 6pm cut off. No minimum order is required. Please see below for specific delivery information and charges.

Revenue orders

  • All revenue orders to practice will be shipped by courier and delivered in two working days*
  • All revenue deliveries of four multipacks or more will be free
  • Revenue deliveries below four multipacks will incur a small order charge of £3

*Subject to stock and credit approval. Excludes Scottish Highlands.

Diagnostic lens orders will either be:

  • Shipped with revenue orders by courier, or;
  • Diagnostic lens only orders will be shipped first class Royal Mail and incur a charge of £1.50

Special or ‘direct to patient’ orders

  • Special or urgent deliveries specifically requested by the customer shall be subject to an additional postage fee of £4.50
  • Direct to patient (Streamline Express) orders will be shipped first class Royal Mail and charged a standard fee of £1.50
  • Subject to stock and credit approval. Excludes Scottish Highlands.

The goods shall be at the risk of the customer upon delivery and the customer shall be responsible for insuring the goods for their full value from that time onwards.

Complete terms and conditions


To return a product please check the Johnson & Johnson Vision Care returns criteria and fill out the returns form. If an incorrect product has been delivered to your practice, or your delivery has arrived damaged, please specify this on the form and we’ll send a replacement.

Returns criteria

To ensure your product can be exchanged, replaced or credited please read the following returns criteria:

  • The product must be sent back in its original and unopened package
  • Multipacks must be undamaged and free of stickers, marks or any other type of package alteration
  • Credit will not be issued for any product received beyond the product expiration date or for single lens blisters

Please note: all products received that do not meet the criteria for credit will be destroyed or exchanged.

Damaged goods

In the event that an ACUVUE®multipack is damaged in transit or an incorrect quantity or parameter is shipped to you, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care will issue an exchange for the incorrect product and facilitate replacement of the damaged product.

Returns form

To return a product, use the return form below specifying the reason for returning the product. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care will, upon receipt and inspection of the returned goods, issue a credit, based on the original purchase price of the product.

Returns form


How we changed the world of contact lenses

Johnson and Johnson Vision Care (1)Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc traces its origin back to Frontier Contact Lenses, a company founded in Buffalo, New York, in 1959 by Dr Allen Isen, George Sitterle and Dr Feinbloom. With 30 employees, Frontier manufactured a line of hard contact lenses through the 1970s. Its early growth was attributed to its highly successful toric lens.

The company added soft lenses to the product line in the late 1970s, and shortly afterwards began making its own soft lens plastic blanks. Frontier was among the first in the US to take this material, widely used in Europe, and combined it with the lathe cutting process to produce soft contact lenses.

After moving operations in the early 1960s from Buffalo, New York to Jacksonville, Florida, Frontier experienced exponential growth. Johnson & Johnson acquired Frontier in 1981 and renamed it Vistakon – this was to be the beginning of a very exciting three decades in our history.

The seeds of innovation

In the mid-80s Johnson & Johnson bought the rights for the Danlens technology from Michael Bay. This was SSM – a unique multi-patented process which allowed the company to mould lenses in a continuous soft state. This provided an entirely new standard of precision, eliminating the hydration distortions common to traditional hard state manufacturing. The result was a high quality lens that was virtually 100% repeatable and reproducible, combining excellent vision with comfort and convenience.

Creating the disposable contact lens category

In 1987 Vistakon changed the vision care industry forever with the invention of ACUVUE® – the world’s first disposable soft contact lens. The launch of this product was first in the US, then the UK became the first European market to bring this unique product to Eye Care Professionals during 1988/89. The response was amazing and this new way of wearing contact lenses completely revolutionised the UK market. Patients and practitioners alike embraced the idea of throwing contact lenses away after one or two weeks of wear, dependent on the recommendation for the patient.

ACUVUE® was followed by the introduction of SUREVUE®, which enabled Eye Care Professionals to offer patients more choice.

By 1994, ACUVUE® and SUREVUE® accounted for nearly two-thirds of all new patients coming into contact lenses within the US contact lens market.

Daily disposable breakthrough

The next huge breakthrough in the contact lens market came in 1995 with the introduction of 1-DAY ACUVUE®; the world’s first daily disposable contact lens that made contact lens wear more convenient for millions of wearers.

They were designed to be worn for a single day, then thrown away and replaced with a brand new, sterile pair, eliminating all contact lens cleaning and care. Some of the benefits were an unsurpassed level of comfort at that time, healthy crisp vision, convenience and cost elimination for cleaning solution products.

Continuing with the series of firsts, in 1994 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care was the first contact lens manufacturer to advertise the benefits of contact lens wear to consumers through mass media – the response was remarkable. Today this is very much the norm with many retailers and manufacturers advertising contact lens brands.

The millennium and next generation of technology

The 90s saw the introduction of many disposable contact lens brands, both in the daily disposable and the frequent disposable modalities. All lenses were made from hydrogel materials. It wasn’t until the beginning of the new millennium that we started to see the introduction of silicone hydrogel contact lenses.

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care launched their first silicone hydrogel lens in 2005 with the introduction of ACUVUE® ADVANCE® with HYDRACLEAR®. This was followed 15 months later with ACUVUE® OASYS® with HYDRACLEAR® PLUS.

However, the innovation didn’t stop there. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care continued to push the boundaries of contact lens development with the introduction of ACUVUE® ADVANCE® for ASTIGMATISM, 1-DAY ACUVUE® for ASTIGMATISM and later ACUVUE® OASYS® for ASTIGMATISM – a totally new toric lens design that employed the outstanding stabilisation features of Accelerated Stabilisation Design (ASD) Technology to allow the lens to settle accurately in the eye in 60 seconds.

Their next milestone came in 2008 when Johnson & Johnson delivered another first to the UK market with a world’s first launch – 1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye®. The world’s first silicone hydrogel daily disposable lens – the lens that is seen by Eye Care Professionals to be the best innovation in contact lenses in the past ten years.1

In 2010, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care launched 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM, offering a winning combination of two unique technologies: Accelerated Stabilisation Design (ASD) and LACREON®, together with the widest range of any daily disposable toric lens.2

The future

It has been an exciting journey – we’ve delivered huge changes in contact lenses, bringing more benefits to patients and helping them live their life to the full. Johnson & Johnson has always believed that innovation and pioneering endeavour is paramount and it is illustrated byour credo:Research must be carried on, innovative programmes developed…and new products launched.

With this at our core we aim to continually innovate and bring you the latest advancements.

1. Eye on the Future Study, THE VISION CARE INSTITUTE® 2009.

2. JJVC data on file 2012. Based on commercially available product parameters. August 2012; 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® for ASTIGMATISM range 2.8 times more parameters than closest competitor.

our credo

We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs, everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers' orders must be serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair profit.

We are responsible to our employees; the men and women who work with us throughout the world. Everyone must be considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and recognise their merit. They must have a sense of security in their jobs. Compensation must be fair and adequate, and working conditions clean, orderly and safe. We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfil their family responsibilities. Employees must feel free to make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal opportunity for employment, development and advancement for those qualified. We must provide competent management and their actions must be just and ethical.

We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well. We must be good citizens - support good works and charities and bear our fair share of taxes. We must encourage civic improvements and better health and education. We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use, protecting the environment and natural resources.

Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit. We must experiment with new ideas. Research must be carried on, innovative programmes developed and mistakes paid for. New equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided and new products launched. Reserves must be created to provide for adverse times. When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realise a fair return.

Johnson and Johnson Vision Care (2025)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Phone: +97313824072371

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.